What means „poster viewer per billboard“ (PpS)
Since January 1st 2013 billboards in Germany are rated by a standardized performance index, the “Billboard viewer per billboard during the posting period (PpS)” (german: „Plakatseher pro Stelle im Belegungszeitraum“). This index is a key factor for pricing of the media costs of a single advertising structure or advertising network.
The PpS reflects the sum of contacts between people and an advertising structure (i.e. billboard) during an average posting period of 10.5 days. It can also be described as the chance of contact with the ad.
More detailed information about the PpS is available (in german) under the following link:
Eine für alles: Die Media-Analyse „ma Plakat“ und ihr Kontaktwert PpS (source: www.faw-ev.de)